Nutrisystem Diet Reviewed in 2024: A Complete Guide

Introduction to Nutrisystem Diet

The Nutrisystem diet is a commercial weight loss program that has gained popularity for its convenience and structured approach to weight management. Founded in 1972, Nutrisystem has evolved over the years to offer a range of plans tailored to different demographics and dietary needs. The program provides pre-packaged meals and snacks delivered directly to the participant’s doorstep, eliminating the need for meal planning and preparation. Nutrisystem aims to simplify weight loss by offering portion-controlled, calorie-counted meals designed to promote fat loss while maintaining essential nutrients.

History of Nutrisystem

Nutrisystem was founded by Harold Katz, a businessman and entrepreneur, in 1972. Initially, the company focused on selling its weight loss products through traditional channels such as phone orders and direct mail. However, with the rise of the internet and e-commerce, Nutrisystem transitioned to online sales, making its products more accessible to a broader audience.

Over the years, Nutrisystem has expanded its product line to include various meal plans catering to different dietary preferences and health goals. The company has also incorporated digital tools and support resources to enhance the user experience and improve outcomes.

How Nutrisystem Works

The Nutrisystem diet works on the principles of calorie restriction and portion control. Participants sign up for a specific meal plan based on factors such as their gender, age, weight, height, and weight loss goals. Nutrisystem offers plans tailored to men, women, vegetarians, and individuals with specific health conditions such as diabetes.

Once enrolled, participants receive a month’s supply of pre-packaged meals and snacks delivered to their doorstep. These meals are designed to be nutritionally balanced, with controlled portions to help individuals stay within their daily calorie targets. Nutrisystem meals typically include a mix of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

In addition to the pre-packaged meals, Nutrisystem encourages participants to supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and other grocery items. This flexibility allows individuals to customize their meals according to their preferences and nutritional needs while still following the overall Nutrisystem guidelines.

Nutrisystem Meal Plans

Nutrisystem offers several meal plans to cater to different dietary preferences and health goals. Some of the most popular plans include:

  1. Basic Plan: This plan offers a selection of pre-packaged meals and snacks for weight loss.
  2. Core Plan: The Core plan includes a wider variety of meal options and additional snacks, providing more flexibility and customization.
  3. Uniquely Yours Plan: The Uniquely Yours plan offers the most extensive selection of meals and snacks, including frozen options and gourmet dishes.
  4. Vegetarian Plan: Nutrisystem’s Vegetarian plan is designed for individuals who prefer plant-based meals, offering a range of vegetarian-friendly options.
  5. Diabetes Plan: Nutrisystem also offers specialized meal plans for individuals with diabetes, featuring meals with lower glycemic index (GI) to help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Participants can choose the plan that best fits their dietary preferences and weight loss goals. Each plan typically includes a month’s supply of meals and snacks, with the option to renew or modify the subscription as needed.

Nutrisystem Support and Resources

In addition to providing pre-packaged meals, Nutrisystem offers various support resources to help participants achieve their weight loss goals. Some of these resources include:

  1. Online Tools: Nutrisystem provides online tracking tools and mobile apps to help participants monitor their progress, track their food intake, and access educational resources.
  2. Dietitians and Counselors: Nutrisystem offers access to dietitians and weight loss counselors who can provide personalized support, answer questions, and offer guidance throughout the program.
  3. Community Forums: Nutrisystem’s online community forums allow participants to connect with others on the same weight loss journey, share tips and advice, and provide mutual support.
  4. Educational Materials: Nutrisystem provides educational materials on topics such as nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits to help participants make informed choices and maintain their weight loss results long-term.

By combining pre-packaged meals with personalized support and educational resources, Nutrisystem aims to provide a comprehensive approach to weight management that addresses both dietary and behavioral factors.

Pros and Cons of Nutrisystem Diet

Like any weight loss program, the Nutrisystem diet has its pros and cons. Understanding these can help individuals make an informed decision about whether Nutrisystem is the right choice for them.


  1. Convenience: Nutrisystem eliminates the need for meal planning and preparation, making it convenient for busy individuals who may not have the time or inclination to cook elaborate meals.
  2. Portion Control: The pre-packaged meals help control portion sizes, which can be beneficial for individuals who struggle with overeating or portion distortion.
  3. Structured Program: Nutrisystem provides a structured approach to weight loss, with clear guidelines and meal plans to follow. This can be helpful for individuals who prefer a more regimented approach to dieting.
  4. Variety of Options: Nutrisystem offers a wide variety of meal options, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and desserts, catering to different tastes and preferences.
  5. Flexibility: While Nutrisystem provides most meals and snacks, participants have some flexibility to supplement with fresh fruits, vegetables, and other grocery items. This allows for customization and personalization of the diet plan.
  6. Support and Resources: Nutrisystem provides access to dietitians, weight loss counselors, online tracking tools, and community forums, offering participants support and guidance throughout their weight loss journey.


  1. Cost: Nutrisystem can be expensive, especially when compared to preparing meals at home from scratch. The cost of the program may be prohibitive for some individuals, particularly those on a tight budget.
  2. Dependency on Pre-packaged Meals: Some critics argue that Nutrisystem doesn’t teach long-term healthy eating habits since participants rely heavily on pre-packaged meals. Once individuals discontinue the program, they may struggle to maintain their weight loss without the structure and convenience of Nutrisystem meals.
  3. Limited Flexibility: While Nutrisystem offers some flexibility to supplement with fresh foods, the reliance on pre-packaged meals may feel restrictive for some individuals. This lack of flexibility can make it challenging to accommodate special dietary preferences or food allergies.
  4. Potential for Boredom: Despite the variety of meal options, some participants may experience boredom or food fatigue from eating the same types of meals repeatedly over time. This could lead to cravings or deviations from the plan.
  5. Sustainability: While Nutrisystem can be effective for short-term weight loss, its long-term sustainability is questionable. Once individuals reach their weight loss goals and transition off the program, they may struggle to maintain their results without continued support and guidance.

Effectiveness of Nutrisystem Diet

The effectiveness of the Nutrisystem diet varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as adherence to the program, individual metabolism, activity level, and overall health status. Some studies have shown that Nutrisystem can lead to significant weight loss in the short term, particularly during the initial phases of the program when calorie intake is restricted. However, long-term success often depends on individuals’ ability to maintain healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes beyond the program.

A systematic review published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2015 compared the effectiveness of commercial weight loss programs, including Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, and Jenny Craig. The review found that participants in these programs achieved modest weight loss compared to control groups, with Nutrisystem producing similar or slightly better results than other programs. However, the review also noted that weight loss outcomes tended to diminish over time, suggesting that sustained behavior change is challenging for many individuals.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews of the Nutrisystem diet are mixed, with some individuals reporting significant weight loss success and improved health outcomes, while others express dissatisfaction with the program’s cost, taste of the meals, or lack of long-term sustainability. Positive reviews often highlight the convenience and simplicity of the program, as well as the support and guidance provided by Nutrisystem’s counselors and online resources. Negative reviews, on the other hand, may mention issues such as difficulty adhering to the meal plan, experiencing hunger or food cravings, or not achieving the desired weight loss results.

It’s important to note that individual experiences with Nutrisystem may vary, and what works well for one person may not be suitable for another. Before starting any weight loss program, individuals should consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for their individual health needs and goals.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Nutrisystem Diet

Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of the Nutrisystem diet in promoting weight loss and improving health outcomes. While some studies have shown positive results, it’s essential to consider the limitations of the research and the need for further investigation.

A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2010 compared the effectiveness of three commercial weight loss programs, including Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, and the Atkins Diet. The study found that participants in all three programs experienced significant weight loss over the course of one year, with no significant differences between the groups. However, the dropout rate was high, suggesting that adherence to these programs may be challenging for some individuals.

Another study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2015 compared the effectiveness of commercial weight loss programs, including Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, and Weight Watchers. The study found that participants in these programs achieved modest weight loss compared to control groups, with Nutrisystem producing similar or slightly better results than other programs. However, the study noted that weight loss outcomes tended to diminish over time, indicating the need for continued support and guidance to maintain long-term success.

While these studies provide some evidence supporting the effectiveness of Nutrisystem for weight loss, it’s essential to interpret the findings cautiously due to the limitations of the research. Many studies are sponsored by the companies themselves, which may introduce bias, and long-term data on weight maintenance and health outcomes are limited. More rigorous, independent research is needed to fully evaluate the long-term effectiveness and safety of the Nutrisystem diet.

Comparison with Other Weight Loss Programs

Nutrisystem is one of several commercial weight loss programs available to consumers, each with its own approach and philosophy. Some of the most popular alternatives to Nutrisystem include:

  1. Weight Watchers (WW): Weight Watchers is a points-based weight loss program that emphasizes portion control, balanced nutrition, and behavioral changes. Participants track their food intake and physical activity using a points system and receive support and guidance through in-person meetings or online resources.
  2. Jenny Craig: Jenny Craig is a meal delivery program that provides pre-packaged meals and personalized coaching to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals. Like Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig offers structured meal plans and support resources to assist participants in their weight loss journey.
  3. Atkins Diet: The Atkins Diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet that aims to induce ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body burns fat for fuel. Unlike Nutrisystem, which provides pre-packaged meals, the Atkins Diet allows individuals to choose their foods within the parameters of the diet plan.
  4. Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean Diet is a balanced eating pattern inspired by the traditional cuisines of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It emphasizes whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, and has been associated with numerous health benefits, including weight loss and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Each of these weight loss programs has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the most suitable option for an individual depends on factors such as personal preferences, dietary restrictions, health goals, and budget. Some individuals may find success with Nutrisystem’s pre-packaged meals and structured approach, while others may prefer the flexibility and autonomy of a points-based program like Weight Watchers or the Mediterranean Diet.


The Nutrisystem diet is a commercial weight loss program that provides pre-packaged meals and snacks to help individuals lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Founded in 1972, Nutrisystem has evolved over the years to offer a range of plans tailored to different demographics and dietary needs. The program works on the principles of calorie restriction and portion control, with the aim of simplifying weight loss by providing convenient, ready-to-eat meals.

While Nutrisystem offers several potential benefits, including convenience, structured meal plans, and support resources, it also has drawbacks such as cost, dependency on pre-packaged meals, and limited long-term sustainability. The effectiveness of Nutrisystem varies from person to person, and more research is needed to fully evaluate its long-term impact on weight loss and health outcomes.

Before starting any weight loss program, individuals should consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for their individual health needs and goals. Additionally, incorporating regular physical activity and adopting sustainable lifestyle changes are key factors in achieving and maintaining weight loss success over the long term.

In conclusion, while Nutrisystem may be a suitable option for some individuals looking to lose weight, it’s essential to consider its pros and cons carefully and explore other alternatives to find the approach that best fits your needs and preferences.

This comprehensive guide covers various aspects of the Nutrisystem diet, including its history, principles, effectiveness, pros and cons, customer reviews, scientific evidence, and comparison with other weight loss programs. It provides readers with a thorough understanding of Nutrisystem and its role in the context of weight management and overall health.